Professional Structural Fabrication Services

Aero Fabricators is a modern structural fabrication industry equipped with multi-machinery tools and plants, metals and minerals, oil and gas and manufacturing with more than 25 years of experience in structural fabrication. We also provide our services in technology structure, pipe racks, plant building structure ( rolled and built-up) stack /chimney, ducting, cladding, etc. Structural fabrication is a process of cutting, bending and welding machinery tools to make structure.In this type of fabrication steel materials are strengthened or repaired. Steel fabrication is the pieces of steel that are put together to form the different sizes and shapes. Structural steel fabrication needs more skilled and experienced technicians who can transform raw materials into good marketing products.

Structural steel fabrication is a process of cutting, bending and welding steel tools to make a structure.In this type of fabrication steel materials are strengthened or repaired. Steel fabrication is the pieces of steel that are put together to form the different sizes and shapes. Structural steel fabrication needs more skilled and experienced technicians who can transform raw material into good marketing products. .

Convert Your Machinery into Design

We fabricate any structural steel products that you are looking for through different fabricating requirements, specification and code compliances. We convert steel machinery tools into definite shapes and designs.To complete the process of steel fabrication it will be logistics for your project and budget.

If You Need Help or Have Some Question, Consultation with Us

(+62) 81 487 1843

Why Choose Us.

Working Properly On Your Project

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Certified Team

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Project Success

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